OK TAPE Children

Shape for Kid & Teenage, 5.9 Inches 32 Strips, X Treme Y Shape for Football/Swimming/Basketbal/Tennis/Gym 10 Inches 20 Strips

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const addToCartText = "Add to cart"; SPZCore.Dom.waitForChild( document.body, () => !!document.querySelector('[data-click="addToCart"], [role="addToCart"]'), () => { const addToCartEle = window.SPZCore.Dom.scopedQuerySelector( document.body, '[data-click="addToCart"], [role="addToCart"]' ); const getContentChild_ = function(el) { if(el) { const childs = el.childNodes; for (let i = childs.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { const child = childs[i]; if (child.getAttribute && child.getAttribute('role') === 'content') { return child; } } } return; } const changeAddToCartText = function(text) { const contentEle = getContentChild_(addToCartEle); if(contentEle){ const addToCartChilds = addToCartEle.childNodes; for (let i = addToCartChilds.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { const child = addToCartChilds[i]; if (typeof child.getAttribute !== 'function' || (child.getAttribute('role') !== 'content' && child.getAttribute('role') !== 'loading')) { addToCartEle.removeChild(child); } } }else{ addToCartEle.innerHTML = addToCartText; } } changeAddToCartText(addToCartText); } );
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const formDataKey = formData.keys(); for (const key of formDataKey) { result[key] = formData.get(key); } return result; } showPlan_(rerender = false) { if (!this.variantId_) { return this.hide_(); } if (rerender) { this.renderPlan_(); } } renderPlan_() { if (Object.keys(this.currentPlanData).length === 0) { this.showNoPlanTips_(true); this.showNoPaymentTips_(false); this.showRender_(false); if(this.noPlanShowTitle) { this.showTitle_(true); }else{ this.showTitle_(false); } return; } this.showRender_(true); this.showNoPaymentTips_(true); this.showTitle_(true); this.showNoPlanTips_(false); const selectedPlanItem = this.currentPlanData.selling_plan_options.filter((item) => item.selected_enabled === true)[0]; SPZ.whenApiDefined(this.renderEle).then((apis) => { apis.render({ ...this.currentPlanData, originalPrice: this.originalPrice, selectedPlanItem }, false); }); } showTitle_(visible = true) { if(this.titleEle) { this.titleEle.toggleAttribute('hide', !visible); } } showNoPlanTips_(visible = true) { if(this.noPlanTipsEle) { this.noPlanTipsEle.toggleAttribute('hide', !visible); } } showNoPaymentTips_(visible = true) { if(this.noPaymentTipsEle){ this.noPaymentTipsEle.toggleAttribute('hide', !visible); } } showRender_(visible = true) { if(this.renderEle){ this.renderEle.toggleAttribute('hide', !visible); } } hide_() { this.showTitle_(false); this.element.toggleAttribute('hide', true); } show_() { this.showTitle_(true); this.element.toggleAttribute('hide', false); } dispatchSubScribeIdChange_() { this.dispatchEvent_('payment_ec_refresh', { sources: 'subscription' }); } dispatchEvent_(name, data) { const event = SPZUtils.Event.create(this.win, name, data, { bubbles: true }); this.element.dispatchEvent(event); } initActions_() { this.onVariantChange_(); this.element.addEventListener('change', (e) => { if(e.target?.role === 'plugin-subscription-option-selector') { this.onOptionChange_(e.target.value); } if(e.target?.role === 'plugin-subscription-option-card') { this.changeCardOption_(e.target.value); } }); this.registerAction( 'changeCycle', (invocation) => this.onCycleChange_(invocation.args?.selectedOptions[0]) ); this.registerAction('subscribeChange', (invocation) => { this.dispatchSubScribeIdChange_(invocation.args); }); this.addToCartEle.addEventListener('click', () => { this.track_('add_to_cart'); }); this.buyNowEle.addEventListener('click', () => { this.track_('add_to_cart'); }); this.submitInterrapt(); } onVariantChange_() { SPZUtils.Event.listen(document, 'dj.variantChange', (e) => { if(this.variantId_ === e.detail?.selected?.id) { return; } if(!this.variantId_ && e.detail?.selected?.id) { this.show_(); } this.variantId_ = e.detail.selected?.id; this.optionId_ = this.defaultOption_; this.cycle = this.defaultCycle_; this.variantChangeData = Object.assign(this.variantChangeData, e.detail); this.changeBuyNowText(); this.changeAddToCartText(e.detail); this.showPlan_(true); this.track_('product_view'); }); } onOptionChange_(op, render = true) { this.optionId_ = op; this.changeBuyNowText(); if(render) { this.showPlan_(true); } } onCycleChange_(val, render = true) { const cy = Number(val); if (this.cycleList.includes(cy)) { this.cycle = cy; this.changeBuyNowText(); if(render) { this.showPlan_(true); } } } submitInterrapt() { if(!this.form_) { window.djInterceptors.request.use((config) => { if(config?.url === '/api/cart') { return this.addToCartRequestData_(config); } if(config?.url === '/api/checkout/order') { return this.checkoutOrderRequestData_(config); } }) } } addToCartRequestData_(config) { const cartConfig = { ...config }; const hasProductId = cartConfig?.body?.product_id; const hasVariantId = cartConfig?.body?.variant_id; if(cartConfig?.method == 'POST' && hasProductId && hasVariantId) { if (!cartConfig.body.properties) { cartConfig.body.properties = {}; } if(this.currentOption_) { cartConfig.body.properties = { ...cartConfig.body.properties, _selling_plan_option_id: this.currentOption_ } } } return cartConfig; } checkoutOrderRequestData_(config) { const orderConfig = { ...config }; const hasVariantId = orderConfig?.body?.line_items[0]?.variant_id; if(orderConfig?.method == 'POST' && hasVariantId) { if (!orderConfig.body.line_items[0].properties) { orderConfig.body.line_items[0].properties = {}; } if(this.currentOption_) { orderConfig.body.line_items[0].properties = { ...orderConfig.body.line_items[0].properties, _selling_plan_option_id: this.currentOption_ } } } return orderConfig; } changeCardOption_(val) { const oneTimeInputEle = document.querySelector('.one-time [role=plugin-subscription-option-card]'); if(val == 0) { this.onCycleChange_(1, true); oneTimeInputEle.toggleAttribute('disabled',true); return; } oneTimeInputEle.toggleAttribute('disabled',false); this.onCycleChange_(2, false); this.onOptionChange_(val, true); } getContentChild_(el) { if(el) { const childs = el.childNodes; for (let i = childs.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { const child = childs[i]; if (child.getAttribute && child.getAttribute('role') === 'content') { return child; } } } return; } changeBuyNowText() { let buyNowText = currentI18nProduct.buy_now; let subscribeText = "Subscribe"; const contentEle = this.getContentChild_(this.buyNowEle); // 1. 有role="content"的元素,替换role="content"的元素 if(contentEle) { contentEle.innerHTML = this.isCycleSubscribe ? subscribeText : buyNowText; }else{ // 2. 不存在role="content"的元素,直接替换文本 this.buyNowEle.innerHTML = this.isCycleSubscribe ? this.buyNowEle.innerHTML.replace(buyNowText, subscribeText) : this.buyNowEle.innerHTML.replace(subscribeText, buyNowText); } } changeAddToCartText(data) { const contentEle = this.getContentChild_(this.addToCartEle); // 1. 有role="content"的元素,移除role不等于content和loading的元素 if(contentEle) { const addToCartChilds = this.addToCartEle.childNodes; for (let i = addToCartChilds.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { const child = addToCartChilds[i]; // 移除元素(role不等于content和loading) if (typeof child.getAttribute !== 'function' || (child.getAttribute('role') !== 'content' && child.getAttribute('role') !== 'loading')) { this.addToCartEle.removeChild(child); } } }else{ // 2. 不存在role="content"的元素,直接替换文本 const addToCartText = this.getAddToCartText_(data); this.addToCartEle.innerHTML = addToCartText; } } getAddToCartText_(data) { const selected = data?.selected; const productAvailable = data?.product?.available; const variantAvailable = data?.selected?.available; const variantId = data?.selected?.id; let text = currentI18nProduct.add_to_cart; if (!productAvailable) { text = currentI18nProduct.sold_out; } if (selected && !variantId) { text = currentI18nProduct.unavailable; } if (productAvailable && selected && variantId && !variantAvailable) { text = currentI18nProduct.sold_out; } return text; } track_(eventName, optionSelected = this.isCycleSubscribe) { if(window && window.sa && typeof window.sa.registerExtraInfo === 'function') { window.sa.registerExtraInfo(eventName, { function_name: "product_subscription", module: "apps", option_selected: optionSelected }, optionSelected === null); } } } SPZ.defineElement('spz-custom-subscription', SpzCustomSubscription);
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$12.99 $11.69
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    ✅ Support healthy growth: when used correctly, OK TAPE kinesiology tape for kids can support healthy posture during growth. OK TAPE helps improve local blood flow, promote lymphatic drainage, eliminate soft tissue swelling and pain, and support and stabilize muscles and joints without hindering movement. It can help relieve growing pains as well

    🥰 Latex free, hypoallergenic and gentle to the skin: this kinesio tape is latex free and hypoallergenic with a gentle glue developed specifically for children to minimize damage to sensitive or delicate skin

    🕣 Long-lasting but easy to remove when needed: though gentle, this tape sticks on tight to withstand sports activity or rough and tumble play

    🌊 Water-resistant

    🎨 Precut strips with fun designs: precut strips are 5.9 inches, and there are 32 strips per roll

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    class SpzCustomFileUpload extends SPZ.BaseElement { constructor(element) { super(element); this.uploadCount_ = 0; this.fileList_ = []; } buildCallback() { this.action = SPZServices.actionServiceForDoc(this.element); this.registerAction('upload', (data) => { this.handleFileUpload_(data.event?.detail?.data || []); }); this.registerAction('delete', (data) => { this.handleFileDelete_(data?.args?.data); }); this.registerAction('preview', (data) => { this.handleFilePreview_(data?.args?.data); }); this.registerAction('limit', (data) => { this.handleFileLimit_(); }); this.registerAction('sizeLimit', (data) => { this.handleFileSizeLimit_(); }); } isLayoutSupported(layout) { return layout == SPZCore.Layout.LOGIC; } setData_(count, file) { this.uploadCount_ = count; this.fileList_ = file; } handleFileUpload_(data) { data.forEach(i => { if(this.fileList_.some(j => j.url === i.url)) return; this.fileList_.push(i); }) this.uploadCount_++; sessionStorage.setItem('fileList', JSON.stringify(this.fileList_)); this.triggerEvent_("handleFileUpload", { count: this.uploadCount_, files: this.fileList_}); if(this.fileList_.length >= 5){ document.querySelector('#review_upload').style.display = 'none'; } if(this.fileList_.length > 0){ document.querySelector('.apps-reviews-write-anonymous-box').style.marginTop = '8px'; } } handleFileDelete_(index) { this.fileList_.splice(index, 1); this.uploadCount_--; sessionStorage.setItem('fileList', JSON.stringify(this.fileList_)); this.triggerEvent_("handleFileDelete", { count: this.uploadCount_, files: this.fileList_}); document.querySelector('#review_upload').style.display = 'block'; if(this.fileList_?.length === 0){ document.querySelector('.apps-reviews-write-anonymous-box').style.marginTop = '132px'; } } handleFilePreview_(index) { const finalPreviewData = this.fileList_[index]; const filePreviewModal = document.getElementById('filePreviewModal'); const fullScreenVideo = document.getElementById('fullScreenVideo'); const fullScreenImage = document.getElementById('fullScreenImage'); const previewModalClose = document.getElementById('previewModalClose'); const previewLoading = document.getElementById('previewLoading'); filePreviewModal.style.display = 'block'; previewLoading.style.display = 'flex'; if(finalPreviewData?.type === 'video'){ const media = this.mediaParse_(this.fileList_[index]?.url); fullScreenVideo.addEventListener('canplaythrough', function() { previewLoading.style.display = 'none'; }); fullScreenImage.src = ''; fullScreenImage.style.display = 'none'; fullScreenVideo.style.display = 'block'; fullScreenVideo.src = media.mp4 || ''; } else { fullScreenImage.onload = function() { previewLoading.style.display = 'none'; }; fullScreenVideo.src = ''; fullScreenVideo.style.display = 'none'; fullScreenImage.style.display = 'block'; fullScreenImage.src = finalPreviewData.url; } previewModalClose.addEventListener('click', function() { filePreviewModal.style.display = 'none'; }); } handleFileLimit_() { alert(window.AppReviewsLocale.comment_file_limit || 'please do not upload files more than 5'); this.triggerEvent_("handleFileLimit"); } handleFileSizeLimit_() { alert(window.AppReviewsLocale.comment_file_size_limit || 'File size does not exceed 10M'); } clear(){ this.fileList_ = []; this.uploadCount_ = 0; sessionStorage.setItem('fileList', JSON.stringify(this.fileList_)); this.triggerEvent_("handleClear", { count: this.uploadCount_, files: this.fileList_}); document.querySelector('#review_upload').style.display = 'block'; } mediaParse_(url) { var result = {}; try { url.replace(/[?&]+([^=&]+)=([^&]*)/gi, function (str, key, value) { try { result[key] = decodeURIComponent(value); } catch (e) { result[key] = value; } }); result.preview_image = url.split('?')[0]; } catch (e) {}; return result; } triggerEvent_(name, data) { const event = SPZUtils.Event.create(this.win, name, data); this.action.trigger(this.element, name, event); } } SPZ.defineElement('spz-custom-file-upload', SpzCustomFileUpload);
    The review would not show in product details on storefront since it does not support to.